Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/383

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rate, retractile branchial plumes. Radula with 65 to 80 rows of 80 denticu- late pleural teeth. Lives on red sponges. The egg-ribbon is orange-red and often laid on the sponge. Common. Genus Diaidula Bergh 1880 Body fairly soft; back silky finish; branchial aperture round and crenu- late; branchial plumes tripinnate. Diaulula sandiegensis Cooper San Diego Doris Plate i6d Alaska to San Diego, California. 2 to 3 inches in length. Body soft; back velvety. Rings of black varying greatly in number and clarity (2 or 3 to 30). Rhinophores conical, the clavus with 20 to 30 leaves, deeply retractile into a conspicuous sheath with a crenulate margin. 6 branchial plumes tripinnate. Radula broad, with 19 to 22 rows, each row with 26 to 30 falcate teeth on each side of the naked center. Moderately common in rock pools of the fucoid zone at all seasons. The broad, white, spiral egg bands are commonly laid from June to August, Genus Aldisa Bergh 1878 Aldisa sangtunea Cooper Blood-red Doris Monterey Bay to Point Lobos, California. Y2 inch in length. In form, superficially resembling our figure of Archi- doris mo7itereyensis (pi. i6h), but bright-scarlet to light-red, sprinkled every- where with very minute, black spots. Characterized by 2 or 3 very large, oval spots of black on the back, Rhinophores similar in form, with 12 to 15 leaves in the clavus. Branchial plumes 8 to 10, simply or irregularly bi- pinnate. Radula with 70 rows of teeth, each row with 70 to 100 teeth which are long, slender and with small, swollen bases. Not uncommon in rock pools. Subfamily CADLININAE Labial armature lamelliform, almost annulate, of extremely small hooks. Middle of radula with a denticulated tooth. External margin of pleural teeth serrate. Genus Cadlina Bergh 1879 Characters of the subfamily. The glans penis is armed with a series of hooks. Usually the animal is from i to 2 inches in length.