Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/389

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Ancula pacifica MacFarland Pacific Ancula California. % inch in length, very similar to our figure of A. cristata (pi. i5f). Color translucent-yellow with 3 narrow, orange lines on the anterior half of the back, and one down the center of the back half. Rhinophores with 9 yellowish leaves. 3 branchial plumes. 4 (not 6) finger-like processes on each side of the plumes. 35 rows of teeth in the radula. Center with a small quadrangular plate, flanked by one large and one small pleural tooth. Genus Hopkinsia MacFarland 1905 Hopkinsia rosacea MacFarland Hopkins' Doris Plate 16a Monterey to San Pedro, California. 1 inch in length. Rhinophores long and tapering, the anterior side smooth along the entire length. % of the posterior side bears about 20 pairs of oblique plates. Branchial plumes 7 to 14, entirely narrow and naked. I large pleural tooth on each side, flanked by a tiny, triangular pleural. Spiral tgg ribbon rosy. Moderately common at all times of year under shelving rock between tide marks. Superfamily AEOLIDIACEA Faviily DENDRONOTIDAE Genus Dendronotus Alder and Hancock 1845 Body compressed; 2 tentacles laminated, with arborescent sheaths; nu- merous branchiae ramose. Arrow-shaped central tooth with a denticulate margin; about 9 elongate laterals on each side. About 40 rows of teeth. Dendro7iotus frondosus Ascanius Frond Eolis Plate i5e Arctic Seas to Rhode Island. Alaska to Vancouver Island. 2 inches in length. Rhinophores with 5 or 6 large leaves, interspaced by about 15 smaller ones. Other characters as shown in our figure and the generic descriptions. D. arborescens Miiller is this species. Common from shore to 60 fathoms. Dendronotus giganteus O'Donoghue Giant Frond Eolis Northwest United States. 5 to 8 inches in length. Similar to our figure of frondosus. 16 to 18