Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/395

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With tiny, granular scales: Interior of valves bright pink .... Ischnochiton ruber L. Interior of valves white Ischnochiton albus L. Order CHITONIDA Family LEPIDOCHITONIDAE Genus Tonic ella Carpenter 1873 Tonicella Tnannorea Fabricius Mottled Red Chiton Greenland to Massachusetts. Japan and the Aleutian Islands. About I inch in length, oblong to oval, elevated and rather acutely angular. Colored a light-tan over which is a heavy suffusion of dark-red maculations and specks. Upper surface appears smooth, although under high magnification it is seen to be granulated. Lateral areas of intermediate valves not very distinctly outlined. Interior of valves tinted with rose. Pos- terior valve with 8 to 9 slits. Girdle is leathery and without scales or bristles. Superficially this species resembles Ischnochiton ruber which, however, has scales on its girdle. Common from i to 50 fathoms. Tonicella lineata Wood Lined Red Chiton Japan to the Aleutians to San Diego, California. About an inch in length, similar to T. marjuorea, but with its valves smooth and shiny, and it is brightly painted with black-brown lines bordered with white which run obliquely backwards on the intermediate valves. The end valves have these same color lines concentrically arranged. Common on the rocky shores of Alaska. The young live in waters off the shore from 10 to 30 fathoms, but as they mature they migrate toward shore. Genus Lepidochitona Gray 1821 Subgenus Cyanoplax Pilsbry 1892 Lepidochitona dentiens Gould Gould's Baby Chiton Alaska to Monterey County, California. % inch or slightly more in length, oval, slightly elevated. Color tawny, olivaceous, slaty or brownish, usually covered with specklings of a darker hue. Upper surface of valves covered with microscopic, sharp granulations which are rarely aligned in any direction. Lateral areas may be slightly raised, and may be bounded in front by a very low rib. The apex of the posterior valve is near the center and is raised; behind the apex, the valve