Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/425

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ment moderately developed. This species was also named Candida Gmelin, jamaicensis Gmelin and helblingi Brug. Common, attached under stones. Barbatia cancellaria Lamarck Red-brown Ark Plate zyq Southern Florida and the West Indies. I to 1% inches in length, similar to B. Candida, but with low, cancel- late sculpture and colored a dark, purplish brown. This is a common species which is erroneously called B. barbata Linne (a Mediterranean species). Subgenus Acar Gray 1857 Barbatia dontingensis Lamarck White Miniature Ark Plate 27U North Carolina to Florida and the Lesser Antilles. ^ to % inch in length, somewhat box-shaped, whitish in color and with no appreciable periostracum. Similar in shape and sculpture to Arcopsis adamsi, but instead of having a small, triangular ligament between the beaks, domingensis has a very narrow, long ligament posterior to the beaks. The posterior end is usually larger than the anterior end and characteristically dips slightly downward. Common at low tide under rocks. Erroneously called Area reticulata Gmelin by Dall and others (see Lamy and Woodring) . Barbatia bailyi Bartsch Baily's Miniature Ark Santa Monica, California, to Gulf of California. A little over ^ inch in length, oblong to squarish, fat; cancellate sculp- ture in which the beads become foliate at the posterior end. Ligament small, narrow and placed well posterior to the fairly close beaks; about 15 teeth. Color white to brownish white. Very common in certain localities under stones at low tide. A. pernoides Carpenter was thought to be this shell but is apparently some other much larger species of unknown identity. Subgenus Fugleria Reinhart 1937 Barbatia tenera C. B. Adams Doc Bales' Ark Plate 27k Southern half of Florida to Texas and the Caribbean. I to I >2 inches in length, thin-shelled, rather fat and evenly trapezoidal in shape and with numerous rather evenly and finely beaded, thread-like ribs. Ligamental area fairly wide at the beak end, becoming narrow at the other.