Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/446

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American Seashells

Chlamys benedicti Verrill and Bush Benedict's Scallop South half of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Rarely over % inch in length. Very similar to sentis, but with a greater range of colors and having 2 color variations not found in sentis (pure lemon- yellow or mottled with chalk-white zigzag stripes). With about 22 strong ribs alternating with weaker ribs, total about 45. Shorter ear has a sharp, 90-degree corner and bears prominent spines, while in se7itis it is more rounded or considerably more than 90 degrees and is smoother. Hinge margin of longer ear has small projecting scales. Color pink, pinkish red, light purple or yellow, and commonly with pronounced whitish zigzag markings. A moderately common species usually misidentified as young sentis or vniscosa. Chlcniiys im brie at a Gmelin Little Knobby Scallop Plate 34f Southeast Florida and the West Indies. 1 to I % inches in length, but not quite so wide. Lower valve (the one with the byssal notch) slightly convex. Upper valve almost flat and fairly thin. Ribs 8 to 10, uncommonly with smaller cords between. They have prominent, cup-shaped, delicate, distantly spaced scales. Color dirty-white or pinkish with small, squarish, red or purplish blotches. Interior yellowish, commonly with purplish stains. Moderately common. Chlamys bastata hastata Sowerby Pacific Spear Scallop Plate 34) Monterey to Newport Bay, California. 2 to 1V2 inches in size; without microscopic reticulations; right valve (with byssal notch) with about 18 to 21 primary, strongly spined ribs which have 5 to 7 much smaller, weakly spined, secondary ribs in between left valve with i o to 11 distantly spaced, strongly scaled primary ribs, with 1 2 to 16 very weak, beaded secondary ribs in between. This is not so common as the subspecies hericia, and is much more colorful, commonly being bright orange, red or lemon. Chlamys hastata hericia Gould Pacific Pink Scallop Plate 34k Alaska to San Diego, California. 2 to 2% inches in size; without microscopic reticulations; right valve (with byssal notch) with about 18 to 21 primary, moderately scaled ribs which have 5 to 7 much smaller spined ribs between; left valve with about 10 to II primary, spined ribs which have a single, rounded, almost as large