Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/470

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American Seashells

1/4 inches in length, almost circular, compressed, smoothish, except for a few weak, irregular growth lines. Pure-white with a dull- whitish, flaky periostracum. The beaks point forward, and in front of them there is a deep, small pit. Hinge plate fairly wide and strong, but the teeth are weakly de- fined. Moderately common in shallow water to a few fathoms. Genus Phacoides Gray 1847 Shell orbicular, quite compressed. Sculpture mostly concentric. Cardi- nal teeth obsolete in adults, but the laterals are well-developed. Phacoides Blainville is the same but is not considered valid. Dentilucina Fischer is the same. Subgenus Phacoides s. str. Phacoides pectinatus Gmelin Thick Lucina Plate 38g North Carolina to Florida, Texas and the West Indies. I to iVo inches in length, ovate, compressed, white or flushed with bright-orange. Concentric ridges moderately sharp, usually unequally spaced. Ligament partially visible from the outside. Lunule strongly raised into a rather thin, rough blade. Anterior and posterior lateral tooth strong. Cardi- nals very weak. Moderately common in shallow water. Alias Lucina ja- maicensis Lamarck. Do not confuse with P. filosus. Subgenus Lucinisca Dall 1901 Phacoides nassula Conrad Woven Lucina North Carolina to Florida, Texas and the Bahamas. V^ inch in length, almost circular, inflated, strong and pure white. Sculp- ture of strong, closely spaced, concentric and radial ribs. These form a reticulate, rough surface. Where the ribs cross each other there is a tiny, raised scale. The ventral margin of the valve is strongly beaded by the distal ends of the axial riblets. Common in shallow water to 100 fathoms. Phacoides rmttalli Conrad Nuttall's Lucina Plate 3ig Santa Barbara, California, to Manzanillo, Mexico. I inch in length, circular, moderately inflated and with a fine, sharp, cancellate sculpturing. The shell is divided off^ at the anterior and upper portion into a slightly more compressed region which is less sculptured con- centrically. Lunule very deep, short and larger in the left valve. Moderately common offshore in sand.