Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/486

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Plate 34


a. Sentis Scallop, Chlamys sentis Reeve, 1 inch (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 363.

b. Ornate Scallop, Chlamys ornata Lam., 1 inch (Southeastern Florida and West Indies), p. 363.

c. Mildred's Scallop, Chlamys mildredae F. M. Bayer, 1 inch. Holotype (Florida and Bermuda), p. 363.

d. and e. Rough Scallop, Aequipecten miiscosus Wood, e. is a large, worn specimen. 1 inch (Southeastern United States and the West Indies), p. 367.

f. Little Knobby Scallop, Chlamys imbricata Gmelin, 1 inch (South-eastern Florida and the West Indies), p. 364.

g. Antillean Scallop, Lyropecten antillariim Recluz, Y2 inch (South-eastern Florida and the West Indies), p. 366.

h. Nucleus Scallop, Aequipecten nucleus Born, 1 inch (Southeastern Florida and the West Indies), p. 368.

i. Kelp-weed Scallop, Leptopecten latiauratus Conrad, 1 inch (California), p. 365.

j. Pacific Spear Scallop, Chlamys hastata hastata Sby., 2 inches (California), p. 364,

k. Pacific Pink Scallop, Chlamys hastata hericia Gould, 2 inches (Alaska to San Diego, California), p. 364.

1. Hind's Scallop, Chlamys hindsi Dall, 2 inches (Alaska to San Diego, California), p. 365.