Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/492

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Plate 37


a. Clear Jewel Box, Chama pellucida Biod., 2 inches (Oregon to Chili), p. 393.

b. Leafy Jewel Box, Chama macerophylla Gmelin, tYi inches (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 392.

c. Atlantic Left-handed Jewel Box, Pseudochama radians Lam., 3 inches (Southern Florida and the West Indies), p. 393.

d. Little Corrugated Jewel Box, Chaina congregata Conrad, 1 inch (North Carolina to the West Indies), p. 392.

e. California Spiny Jewel Box, Echinochaiua arcinella californica Dall, Holotype. 2 inches (off Lower California to Panama), p. 394.

f. Cherry Jewel Box, Chama florida Lam., 1 inch (West Indies), not in text.

g. Florida Spiny Jewel Box, Echinochama cornuta Conrad, I inch (North Carolina to Texas), p. 394.

h. True Spiny Jewel Box, Echinochama arcinella L., XYi inches (West Indies to Brazil), p. 394.