Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/519

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pointed and slightly uplifted. Interior blushed with mottlings of chestnut to purplish brown. Rupellaria carditoides Conrad Hearty Rupellaria Vancouver, B.C., to Lower California. 1 to 2 inches in length. Very variable in shape, usually oblong; in some, squat and almost orbicular. Shell white to grayish white and very chalky in texture. Concentric growth lines quite coarse and irregular. Radial sculpture of pecuhar, fine, scratched lines crowded together, but worn away in some specimens. Fairly common. Found boring into hard rock. Nepionic shell usually oblong. R. californica Conrad is the same. Subfamily COOPERELLINAE Genus Cooperella Carpenter 1864 Hinge plate narrow, with 2 right and 3 left short, divaricating cardinals under the beaks. The left central cardinal is always, and the others com- monly, split or bifid. No laterals. Muscle scars small and oval. Pallial line narrow, the sinus long. Cooperella subdiaphana Carpenter Shiny Cooper's Clam Southern California to Lower California. About % inch in length, oval-oblong, opaque-white with a brilliant gloss and slight opalescence. Fragile. Outer surface with slightly wavy concentric growth lines. Ligament tiny, short, set just behind the beaks and visible ex- ternally. Moderately common offshore to 40 fathoms. Superfamily TELLINACEA Family TELLINIDAE Genus Tellina Linne 1758 Subgenus Tellina s. str. Tellina radiata Linne Sunrise Tellin Plate 4oe South Carolina to south half of Florida and the West Indies. 2 to 4 inches in length, elongate, moderately inflated. Characterized by its oily smooth, glistening surface and rich display of colors — either creamy- white or rayed with pale-red or yellow. Interior flushed with yellow. The beaks are usually tipped with bright-red. Uncommon in Florida but abundant in the West Indies.