Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/574

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American Seashells

Cuspidaria rostrata Spengler Rostrate Cuspidaria Plate 32 j Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to the West Indies. % to I inch in length, with a tube-Hke rostrum which is ^ the length of the entire shell. The rostrum points slightly downward. Shell fairly- smooth with moderately coarse, concentric growth lines. Whitish in color and sometimes with granular lumps of gray mud attached to the rostrum. A^ioderately common in deep water (65 to over 1600 fathoms). Cuspidaria jeffreysi Dall Jeffrey's Cuspidaria Southern Florida and the West Indies. Ys inch in length, smoothish with only fine lines of growth. Rostrum moderately long; main part of shell round and fat. Similar to glacialis in the north which, however, is larger, more compressed, and whose rostrum points slightly downward instead of directly posteriorly as in this species. Creamy white in color. Uncommonly dredged in waters over 100 fathoms off Miami. Subgenus Leiovtya A. Adams 1864 Cuspidaria granidata Dall Granulated Cuspidaria Off A4iami, Florida, and the West Indies. % inch in length, similar to jeffreysi, but snow-white and covered with numerous, small, opaque-white granules. Uncommon from 30 to 100 fathoms. Genus Cardiojnya A. Adams 1864 With strong, sharp radial ribs; fossette more vertical and prominent, otherwise like Cuspidaria. Cardioviya costellata Deshayes Costate Cuspidaria North Carolina to south Florida and the West Indies. % inch in length, fragile, with a short rostrum, and with a few promi- nent radial ribs just in front of the rostrum which gives the ventral margin of the valve in that area a scalloped edge. Anteriorly, the radial ribs are closer together, but weaker, and are rarely present at the anterior end of the shell. Additional ribs may develop in older specimens and become more even in size. (C. midticostata Verrill and Smith may be the old form and C. geirnna Verrill and Bush the young form.) Commonly dredged off eastern Florida.