Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/578

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American Seashells

Subgenus Semirossia Steenstrup 1887 Rossia tenera Verrill Atlantic Bob-tailed Squid Figure ggd Nova Scotia to southeastern Florida. 3 to 4 inches in length, including mantle and longest arm. A small and delicate species, very soft, translucent, and delicately rose-colored when liv- ing. Internal pen small, very thin and soft. Length of each side fin is about % of the body, and the base of attachment of the fin is about % the body- length. Arms unequal, the dorsal ones considerably shorter. This species is characterized by the larger size of the suckers located along the middle of the lateral arms. Commonly dredged from 18 to 233 fathoms. Formerly listed as Heteroteuthis tenera Verrill. R. eqiialis Voss, dredged off southeast Florida, differs in having the suckers on the lateral arms about equal in size. Fa77iily SEPIIDAE Genus Sepia Linne 1758 The common cuttlefish squid of Europe is not represented In our waters, although in rare instances the cuttlefish bone or internal shell has been found in western Atlantic waters. The cuttlefish bone is an oblong, six-inch or so, very light slab of chalky material, rounded at one end, pointed at the other. It is used in the manufacture of toothpaste, and is tied to the bars of canary cages for the birds to peck at as a source of lime. Ink from Sepia was at one time a main source for durable, black writing ink. Family LOLIGINIDAE Genus Loligo Schneider 1784 Ten-armed, with elongate, tapering, cylindrical body and large, termi- nal, triangular fins. Arms with two rows of suckers provided with horny, dentated rings; fourth left arm hectocotylized in the males. Tentacular arms with four rows of suckers on their clubs. Internal pen horny, lanceolate with its shaft keeled on the under side. The female receives the sperm sacs of the male upon a specially developed pad below the mouth. In the genus Lolli- guncula, the sperm sacs are received upon a callused patch within the mantle near the left gill. Subgenus Loligo s. str. Loligo pealei Lesueur Atlantic Long-finned Squid Figure 99a Nova Scotia to both sides of Florida.