Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/608

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Hectocotylus arm, 50 Helix Vitrinella, 138 Helmet-bubble, Orbigny's, 276, pi. 26V Helmet Puncturella, 96, fig. 30c Helmets, species of, 193 uses of, 193 HemphilVs Dish Clam, see Hemphill's Surf Clam, 448 Hemphill's Lima, 371, pi. 29c Hemphill's Surf Clam, 448, fig. 90b Henderson's Miter, 249, pi. 26c Heptagonal Caecum, 148, fig. 37k Hertlein, Leo, 69 Heteropods, species of, 184, 185 Hidalgo's Murex, 203, fig. 45a Hinds' Mopalia, 316 Hinds' Nut Clam, 339 Hinds' Scallop, 365, pi. 34-I Hinge of clam shells, 81, fig. 28 Hooded Puncturella, 96, fig. 30a, b Hoof-shells, species of, 166, pi. 21 Hooked Mussel, 353, pi. 35n Hooked Surf Clam, 447 Hopkins' Doris, 307, pi. i6a Horn Shells, species of, 151-152, pi. 19 Horse Conch, Florida, 242, pi. 13a Hotessier's Wentletrap, 162, pi. 2 2g Humphrey's Wentletrap, 164, pi. 22d Hundred-lined Cockle, 399 Iceland Cockle, 403, pi. 32e Iceland Moon-shell, 187, pi. 2 2r Iceland Scallop, 365, pi. 27-I Identification features, 72, 81 Identification services, 67 Ida's Miter, 249, pi. 2op Ida's Tellin, figs. 87a, 2 8h Immaculate Moon-shell, 186 Imperial Venus, 409, pi. 39c Incongruous Ark, 346, pi. 27y Incurved Cap-shell, 168 Indian Money Tusk, 330, fig. 69f Inequilateral, definition of, 82 Inequivalve, definition of, 82 Inflexed Simnia, 183, pi. 7h Ink from mollusks, 14 Intricate Baily-shell, 231, pi. 2$t Iris Tellin, 427 Irregular Worm-shell, 143, pi. 2 id Irus Macoma, 433, fig. 88e Ivory Cerith, 154, pi. i9q Ivory Tusk, 331, fig. 69e Jackknife Clams, species of, 443 Jacob's Scallop, 1 1 Jamaica Limpet, 106, pi. 17c Janthina snails, 17 Japanese Abalone, 94, pi. 2e Japanese Littleneck, 410 Japanese Oyster, 375, pi. 29g Jasper Cone, 262, pis. i4n, 22X Jasper Dwarf Olive, 246, pi. ni Jewel Boxes (Chama), species of, 391- 394 Jewett's Marginalia, 258 Jingle Shells, species of, 372 Johnsonia (Journal), 493, 499 Joseph's Coat Amphissa, 223, fig. 50a Joubin's Octopus, 488, fig. lood Jubjube Top-shell, 113, pi. 3p Julia's Cone, 261, pi. 14b Junonia, 250, pl. i3f /?moV Volute, see Junonia, 250 Kmtichatka Abalone, see Japanese Aba- lone, 94 Keeled Sun-dial, 143, fig. 22g; pl. 4n Keen, Myra, 69 Keep's Baby Chiton, 314 Kellet's Whelk, 231, pl. 24W Kelp-weed Scallop, 365, pl. 341 Kelsey's Cingula, 135 Kelsey's Date Mussel, 357, pl. 291 Kelsey's Milner Clam, 380, fig. 76 Kennerley's enus, 410 Kennicott's Buccinum, 227, fig. 5ig Keraudren's Atlanta, 184 Key Caecum, 147 Keyhole Limpet, growth of, fig. 5 Keyhole Limpets, species of, 94-98, pis. ' 17, 18 King Helmet, 193 King^s Crown Coiich, see Common Crown Conch, 234 King Venus, 409, pl. 39a Kitten's Paw, 361, pl. 356 Knave Marginella, 259, fig. 56-I Knobbed Triton, 196, pl. 2 5r Knobbed Whelk, 235, pi. 231 Knobby Keyhole Limpet, 100, pl. i7d Knobby Top, see Chestnut Turban, 123 Kobelt's Spindle, 243, fig. 54b Krebs' Sun-dial, 143, pis. 4-0, 2iy Krebs' Wentletrap, 163, fig. 40c La Belle Marginella, 256, fig. 56d Lace Murex, 203, pl. loe Lacunas, species of, 130 Ladder Horn Shell, 152, pl. 19X Ladder Shell, see Ladder Horn Shell, 152 Lady-in- Waiting Venus, 407, pl. 39g Lamarck's Carinaria, 185, fig. 42 Lamellaria, San Diego, 175, fig. 43d Lamellose Solarelle, no, pl. 17X Lamellose Wentletrap, 165, pl. 22a Lamp Shell, see West Indian Chank, 244 La Perouse's Lepton, 394 Large Cockle, see Giant Atlantic Cockle, 401 Large Strigilla, 428, pl. 40c Lateral Musculus, 355, fig. 75c Lateral tooth in bivalve shell, 84 Latiaxis, California, 220 Latirus, species of, 240 Laurent's Scallop, 362, pl. 33f Leafy Jewel Box, 392, pl. 37b Leafy Rock Oyster, see Leafy Jewel Box, 392 Lean Spoon Clam, 474, pl. 28V Lebour, Marie, 30 Left-handed Buccinum, 226, pl. 24P Left-handed Whelk, egg laying of, 3( Left-handed Whelk, see Lightninc Whelk, 236 Lentil Astarte, 376, pl. 28-0 Lepton Clams, species of, 394 Lettered Olive, 245, pl. 12a Lewis and Clark Expedition, 7 Lewis' Moon-shell, 189, pl. 24n Life cycle, of snail, 30 Ligament, definition of, 83 Lightning ^enus, 414, pl. 39d Lightning Whelk, 236, pl. 23-0 Ligula index, explanation of, 486 Limas, species of, 370 Limopsis, species of, 347, fig. 73 Limpets, Keyhole, 96-101 Limpets, species of, 101-107, pis. 17, i{ Lindsley's Crassinella, 377, pl. 30b Lined Bittersweet, see Atlantic Bitter- sweet, 348 Lined Periwinkle, see Marsh Periwinkle. Lined Red Chiton, 313 Lined Tellin, see Rose Petal Tellin, 427 Linne's Puncturella, 95 Lintea Tellin, 430, fig. 86g Lion's Paw, 366, pl. 33b Liotias, species of, 121 Lip Triton, 196, pl. 25m Lirulate Alargarite, 108, fig. 31e Lister's Keyhole Limpet, 96, pl. 17-l Lister's Tree Oyster, 358, pl. 35a Lister's Vemis, see Princess Venus, 404 Little Box Lepton, 395 Little Corrugated Jewel Box, 392, pl 37d Little Horn Caecum, 150, fig. 376 Little Horn Shell, see Middle-spinec Cerith, 154 Little Knobby Scallop, 364, pl. 34f Little Moon Shell, see Colorful Atlantic Natica, 191 Little Oat Marginella, 259, fig. 56k Little Screw Shell, see Common Atlan- tic Auger, 265 Little White Lncine, see Dwarf Tiger Lucina, 392 Little White Trivia, 178, pl. 2icc Littorine, see Periwinkles, 132 Livid Macron, 234, pl. 24X Livid Natica, 191, pl. 22-0 Lobed Moon Shell, see Shark Eye, 186 Locomotion, in clams, 43, 45, fig. 17 in octopus, 49 Loebbeck's Simnia, 183, pl. ji Long Clam, see Soft-shell Clam, 455 Longhorned Smoke Shell, pl. 23W Long-spined Star-shell, 123, pl. 3k, m Lord's Dwarf Venus, 411, fig. 82 Lovely Miniature Lucina, 385, fig. 78c Lovely Pacific Solarelle, in, fig. 31b Lucinas, species of, 385-391 Luminescence in squid, 49