Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/611

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Subject Matter and Common Names

Rattle Shell, see Blackberry Drupe, 2 1 1 Ravenel's Dove-shell, 223, pi. 25CC Ravenel's Egg Cockle, 400 Ravenel's Scallop, 362, pi. 33g Rayed Cockle, see Gaudy Asaphis, 439 Razor Clams, species of, 442 Recluz's Moon-shell, 187, pi. 2oi Red Abalone, 92, pi. 2a Red-brown Ark, 343, pi. 27q Reddish Mangelia, 272 Red-fingered Eolis, 310, pi. 15a Red Northern Chiton, 322 Red tide, 39 Red Turban, 125, fig. 35 Reed Tusk, 331 Reflexed Haloconch, 131 Regular Chiton, 321 Regular Marginella, 258 Rehder, Harald A., 68 Rehder's Baby-bubble, 275 Reproduction, in snails, 24 in clams, 40 Resilium, definition of, 83 Respiration, in snails, 24 in clams, 38 Reticulate Ark, see White Miniature Ark, 343 Reticulate Wentletrap, 163, fig. 4od Reticulated Cowrie-helmet, 194, pi. 9c Reticulated Hehnet, see Reticulated Cowrie-helmet, 194 Rhipidoglossate, 79 Ribbed Horsenmssel, see Atlantic Ribbed Mussel, 351 Ribbed Pod, see Atlantic Razor Clam, 442 Ribbed Stronib, see Milk Conch, 174 Ribbed Top-shell, 116, fig. 33g Ribbed Western Corbula, 459 Rice Shell, see Common Rice Olive, 247 Rim Shell, see Common Atlantic Margi- nella, 257 Rimulas, species of, 94, 95 Ringed Top-shell, 115, fig. 33f Rio Janeiro Chiton, 319, fig. 67c Rissoinas, species of, 136-138 Ritter's Trivia, 179 Rocellaria, Atlantic, 459 Rock-boring Mussel, see Kelsey's Date Mussel, 357 Rock-dwelling Semele, 435, pi. 29t Rock Oyster, see Jewel Box, 392 Rock-shells (Thais), species of, 213 Roden Mounds, 7 Rollins College, 68 Roosevelt, F. D., 401 Roosevelt's Marginella, 254, pi. ii-o Rooster-tail Conch, 175, pi. 56 Rose Cockle, see Prickly Cockle, 397 Rose Murex, 202 Rose Petal Semele, 435, pi. 29W Rose Petal Tellin, 427, pi. 4oh Rostrate Cuspidaria, 476, pi. 32) Rostrate Piddock, 464 Rosy Jackknife Clam, 444 Rosy Keyhole Limpet, 100, pi. i7e Rough File Shell, see Antillean Lima, 370 Rough Girdled Chiton, 317, fig. 67a Rough Keyhole Limpet, 97, pi. i8b Rough Lima, 370, pi. 35f, o Rough Limpet, 103, pi. 18-I Rough Nuttall Chiton, 314 Rough Scallop, 367, pi. 34d, e Rough Vase Shell, see Caribbean Vase, 245 Royal Bonnet, 192, pi. 9!! Royal Comb Venus, 415, pi. 39f Royal Florida Miter, 248, pi. 13! Royal Marginella, 256, pi. ii-l RufHed Rimula, 94, pi. 17-0 Rupellarias, species of, 420 Rustic Rock-shell, 214, pi. 25f Rusty Dove-shell, 220 Sailor's Ear, see Channeled Duck Clam, 449 Salle's Auger, 267 Salmon Tellin, 426, pi. 3iy Samuel, Marcus, 1 1 Sanded Lyonsia, 468 Sanderson's Paper-bubble, 278, fig. 59d San Diego Lamellaria, 175, fig. 43d San Diego Limopsis, 347, fig. 73 San Diego Scallop, 361, pi. 33e San Diego Shipworm, 467 Sand Pandora, 470 Sandpaper Trophon, 208 San Pedro Auger, 267 San Pedro Dwarf Olive, 247 San Pedro Trifora, 159 Santa Barbara Spindle, 244, pi. 24Z Santa Rosa Murex, 206, fig. 45d Sardonyx Helmet, see King Helmet, 193 Sargassum Nudibranch, 308 Sargassum Snail, Brown, 156, pi. 21k Saw-toothed Pen Shell, 360, pi. 27V Saxicave, Arctic, 452, fig. 92a Say, Thomas, 68 Say's Chestnut Mussel, 356 Say's False Limpet, 311, fig. 65 Say's Pandora, 469, fig. 96b Say's Tellin, 424 Scalas, see Wentletraps, 161 Scaled Worm-shell, 144, pi. 2oe Scale-sided Piddock, 464 Scallop-edged Wentletrap, 162 Scallops, species of, 361-369 Scaly Chiton, see Rough Nuttall Chiton, 314 Schmitt's Volute, 251, pi. 136 Schramm's Chiton, 326, fig. 67e Schrann/i^s Loripi?ms, see Chalky But- tercup, 390 Schwengel, J. S., 205, 414 Schwengel's Venus, 414, pi. 38n Scientific names, 85 Scissor Date Alussel, 357, pi. 29J Scorched Mussel, 352, pi. 35J Scotch Bonnet, 192, pi. 9e Screw Shell, see Turret-shell, 141 Sculpture in shells, 76, 84 Sculptured Alabine, 158 Sculptured Top-shell, 112, pi. 17W Sea Butterflies (Pteropoda), species of, 292 Sea-hares, species of, 285, fig. 60 Seaweed Limpet, 105, pi. i8z Semeles, species of, 434 Sennott, John and Gladys, 261 Sennotts' Cone, 261, pi. 1411 Sentis Scallop, 363, pi. 34a Sepia ink, 480 Serene Gould Clam, 415 Sex reversal, in snails, 25 in clams, 41 Sexuality, in snails, 25, fig. 7 in clams, 41 Shapes of bivalves, 80, fig. 26 Shapes of gastropods, 73 Shark Eye (Polinices), 186, pis. 5k, 2 2h Sharp-knobbed Nassa, 237, fig. 53c Sharp-ribbed Drill, 219, fig. 47c Sharp-tur?j Scallop, see Zigzag Scallop, 362 Shell Oil Company, 1 1 Shell structure, 33, fig. 10 Shell Transport Co., 10, 11 Shield Limpet, 102, pi. i8n Shiny Atlantic Auger, 266, pi. 26h Shiny Cooper's Clam, 421 Shipping shells, 67 Shipworm, copulation, 42 destruction, 4 habits, 45 species of, 465 Short Coral-shell, 219 Short-frond Murex, sec West Indian Murex, 203 Short-tailed Latirus, 241, pi. iif Short Yoldia, 340, pi. 27b Shouldered Pheasant, 127, pi. i7r Sickle Razor Clam, see Blunt Jackknife Clam, 443 Silky Buccinum, 225, pi. 24U Simnias, sjjecies of, 182 Simpson's Venus, 414 Single-toothed Simnia, 182, pi. -jt Siphonal canal, definition of, 76 Siphons, of clams, 35, figs. 11, 12 of snails, 18, fig. 3 Sitka Periwinkle, 134, pi. 20b Slender Bittium, 156 Slipper-shells, species of, 170-172, pis. 20, 21 Slit-shells, 91 Slit Worm-shell, 145, pL 2ig Small Cerithiimi, see False Cerith, 15^ Small-eared Lima, 371 Small False Donax, 441, pi. 3oi Smith's Martesia, 465 Smoke Shell, Longhorned, pi. 23W, not in text Smooth Astarte, 376, pi. 28s Smooth Atlantic Tegula, 118, pi. i7p Smooth Duck Clam, 449