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ROLLING MILLS AT SCRAP DOCKS At the annual meeting of the Railway Storekeepers' Associa tion, G. G. Allen of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul read a paper on "Rolfing Mills al Railway Scrap Docks--Economy Li. fected, an abstract of which inllows: The C. M. & St. I. has, for many years, manufactured praz tically all of its freight cars and a large proportion of its loco- motives, and one of the best methods we have found for em- ploying the rolling mill is to select the scrap, old arch bars, rods, etc., shear them to the proper size, and roll them for special parts that enter into the construction of this new equipment, such as brake hangers, carry irons, brake jaws, bolts, etc., that are re- quired in very large quantities. Thousands of drift holts for the bridge and building depart ment are made from re-rolled iron, in fact comparatively little new iron is used for common hoits for any class of work. The mill was located in the blacksmith shop chiefly for the reason that there was no room, nor were there facilities for doing this work on the scrap dock. and owing to the practice of utilizing the product of the mill for special purposes, a great deal et the iron is worked up in the same shop just as it comes from the mill, and the scrap from the shears, both from the original bar, as well as the enttings from the finished bar, is used also, in the same shop, in the hammer furnaces. The blacksmith shop location under these conditions is a convenient one, but as a general proposition for reads that have modern scrap docks, equipped with power, hammers, shears, etc., and where the mak- ing of special parts is not the rule the scrap dock is unquestion- ably the proper location, The hillets used are from 12 to 24 in. long and the output of the machine varies from three to six tons per day, depending on the size of the material rolled. The total cost of operation is $18.35 a day Various tests made from time to time have demonstrated the fact that the re-rolled iron is of good quality and usually superior to the ordinary grades of new iron, the improvement being due to the additional rolling. In computing costs and figuring profits, we have endeavored to be conservative. Scrap has always been charged at higher that market prices and all legitimate items of expense added. The cost of re-rolling, not including value of serap, is from $3 to $6 per tor: according to size of iron rolled, and the profits will average $10 per ton. The net saving oi a similar mill at the Burnside shop of the Illinois Central is reported to amcunt to well over $12 per ton, everything considered except interest on the money invested and the steam consumption. There are no depreciation charges. The present average daily outpat is three and one-half tons. Cost for labor and fucl $4 to $4.75 per ton, and profits $700 to $900 per month. The Chicago & North Western is also operating a mill of the C. M. & St. P. type at the Chicago shops, reducing 14 in. and 1½ in. round bars to in. and 4 in. The daily output is one and one-half ions at a cost of about $ per ton. In adidlica they have ordered an Ajax three-roll mill, which will have a capacity of from 2 in. to 3 in. It is the intention to operate hoth mills. The Chesapeake & Ohio has an Ajax reclaiming roll on its scrap dock at 13untington, W. Va. The total cost of rolls, fur- naces, oil tanks, shed, motor, etc., was in the neighborhood of $12,000. The average daily ontunt is three and one-half tons on which it is stated they are making a profit of $1,100 per month. The Southern Paciuc Company is operating a rolling mill on the scrap dock at the Sacramento shops, with a maximum output of 1940 tons and average output of 90 tons per day. The total cust per con including scrap is $28.00, and the total prolits are $56.000 a year. This, however, would hardly he considered a re-rolling mill proposition, but a general rolling mill. As the difference between the market price of new iron and the market price of scrap is not always maintained at the same level, the profits from the operation of re-rolling mills must necessarily vary. The greater this difference, the greater the prodit, but with sufficient tonnage to keep a mill steadily em- ployed and manned by regular crew, the profits from such a mill as have described, having a capacity of from three to six tous per day. should unt, at any line, be less than $10 per ton. The question, therefore, of the economy to be effected by the installation of re-rolling mills at railroad scrap docks is one that each road can readily decide for itself, depending on whether or not it has sufficient accumulation of old material suitable for re-rolling, the present disposition of which is not bringing a return that will compare favorably with the above figures. DISCUSSION. W. O. Thompson described the arrangement and proposed op- eration of a large reclaiming shop that is soon to be built by ons of the largest railways. The facilities to be provided are elabor- ate and well arranged. A point was raised as to the advisability of using the rolling mills at scrap ducks with billets and making new material di- rect. The consensus of opinion seemed to be that this would not be an economical practice. One member reported that $960,000 worth of material had been reclaimed with a re-rolling mill at a total cost of about half the value of new material. EXHAUST SYSTEMS FOR GRINDING WHEELS The New York State Department of Labor has issued specifi- catious for the design, construction and operation of exhaust systems for grinding, polishing and buffing wheels. These specifi- cations were prepared by William Newell, mechanical engineer of the department of lahor, and the more important items are as follows: Minimum sizes of branch pipes allowed for different size emery or other grinding wheels are given in the accompanying table: Diameter of wheels. 6 in, or less, not over in, thick. 7. to 9 in. inclusive, not over 1½ in. thick. 10 in. to 16 in. inclusive, not over 2 in. ɩbick. 17 in. to 19 in. inclusive, not over 3 in. thick.. 20 in. tn 24 i. imelsive, not over in. thick, 25 in. to 30 in. inclusive, tot ver 5 in. thick.. Maximum grinding Minimum diameter of branch sq. in. pice in in. 19 3 43 3½ 101 4


4½ 302 973 In case a wheel is thicker than given in this tabulation, cr ii a disc instead of a regular wheel is used, it must have a branch pipe ne smaller than is called for by its grinding surface, as given. Minimum sizes ni branch pipes allowed for different size buff- ing, polishing, or rag wheels, as they are variously called, are given in the table. Diameter of wheels, 6. or less, not over 1 in. thick.. 7 in. in 12 in. inclusive, not over 1% in thicke. 13 in, to 16 in. inclusive, nut over 2 in. thick.. 17 in. to 20 in. inclusive. ut over 3 in. thick.. 21 jr. to 24 in. inclusive, not over 4 in. thick.. 25 in. to 40 in. inclusive, not over 5 in. thick.. Maximum Minimum grinding surface. sq. in. diameter of licancls pipes in in. 19 5% 57 2 101 456 189 302 472 5 20% The thickness given in this table for buffing wheels applies to the thickness of the wheel at the center. In case the wheel 305