Page:American engineer (IA americanengineer87newy).pdf/328

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send the spindle holders, are then inserted in the V-blocks in the holders, and the set screws on each side are adjusted to hold them. On the outside of the frame rail. directly over the center of the pedestal, a circle 14 in. in diameter is seribed. Two parallel hlocks are then placed on top of the frame, about 12 in. apart, and a steel square. resting on the parallel blocks, is lined To the scribed circle. The position of the two steel spindles is then adjusted by means of the set screws until they touch the edge of the square, which places them in the exact center of the pedestal jaws and in a line perpendicular to the top of the frame. The other ends of the spindles are then set in the same manner. reference to the main driver. The accuracy of this work is checked by means of the lining up arm on each of the other spindles. The text operation requires the use of the instrument shown -16- Brass Casting made to dotted lines and cut after being bored to wit spindle These edges exactly on enter line. Scriber Screw Sleat Screw Bore to bui Spindle 20 Card Fig. 3-Scribing Arm for Marking the Shoes and Wedges. in Fig. 3, which is called a scribing arm. This is previously se; so the distance from the center of the spindle to the marker will be 1 in. greater than the distance from the center of the driving Fig. 2-Lining Up Arm Fitted on the Ends of the Spindles. The line passing through the center of the cylinders and paral- lel with the frantes is then put up on both sides of the locomotive. The lining up arm. Fig. 2, is placed on the projecting end of one of the spindles and is tried forward and backward for ad- justment with the cylinder center line. If it is found that there is a variation. the spindles are adjusted to a position exactly perpendicular to the cylinder center line. This operation is per- formed for both the upper and lower spindles, and when com- pleted for both sides insures the accuracy of their position or Thick Fig. 4-Gage for Use When Facing the Shoes and Wedges. hox to the shoe or wedge face. T is then placed against each spindle in turn and the shoes and wedges are scribed on each side. The apparatus is then removed and the planer band. in 77 Fig. 5-Apparatus for Laying Off the Shoes and Wedges In Place on the Locomotive. develops any inaccuracy in the setting of the cylinder center finishing the shoes and wedges, uses the gage shown in Fig. 4 lives. After the sides are properly set for the main driver, ether holders and spindles are inserted in the pedestals of the other drivers and standard trams are used to locate their position in for setting the machine to remove the proper amount of metal and to insure the squareness of the faces. The whole apparatus is shown in place on the locomotive in Fig. 5