Page:An Account of Corsica (1769).djvu/109

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Hugo Colonna settled in Corsica, having obtained from the Pope distinguished honours and extensive grants. The family of Colonna is one of the most illustrious, and most ancient in the world. So early as the 1200, mention is made of Pietro Colonna, the eight of the name. The branch which settled in Corsica, continued long in great splendour, enjoying the noble fief of Istria; but, by the confusions and troubles which the island has been thrown into, by the bloody contests between the Genoese and the patriotick Corsicans, that family hath suffered prodigiously, and its possessions are reduced to a very narrow compass. The present head of the family, is a worthy, sensible man, and very zealous in the great cause. I was lodged in his house at Sollacaro, where I found Pascal Paoli.

It is probable, that the Corsican counts, marquisses and barons, derive their origin from this period; for I can see no time so proper for their first taking place here.

The island remained for some time in tolerable quiet. But partly from the dissensions of different parties among themselves, ever impatient of contradiction, and partly from the repeated attacks of the Genoese, whose hankering after this little kingdom still continued, there were such

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