Page:An Account of Corsica (1769).djvu/138

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count Domenico Rivarola was the representative.

This gentleman had the lands of Chiaveri, on the river of Genoa; was considered as a friend of the republick, and was intrusted by her, with the office of commissary in Balagna; a singular honour for a Corsican.

He endeavoured, at this time, to make a reasonable accommodation between the Corsicans and Genoese, which having proved ineffectual, he was convinced, that the republick was determined to persevere in tyranny; he therefore embraced the patriotick party, and was ever after, moll firm and zealous, in the great cause of liberty. He quitted the island, and went over to Leghorn, that he might be at full liberty to negotiate upon the continent, in behalf of his country.

The Genoese immediately confiscated his lands of Chiaveri. He had still the lands of Oletta, in Corsica; to which, he made his family remove from Bastia. But, he had soon a very severe trial of his constancy. For, the fame year, his son Antonio, who was studying at the academy of Siena, went home, to bring with him his brother Nicholas; and, as they were crossing over to Leghorn, in a little Tuscan