Page:An Account of Corsica (1769).djvu/300

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refchal eft un des plus zeles partizans de la nation Corfe. Au refte vous n'avez befoin d'autre recommendation pres de ces MelTieurs que votre propre merite, la nation Corfe etant naturellement ft accueillante ct fi hofpitaliere, que tous les etrangers y font bien venus et carefTes.


Bons et heureux voyages, fante, gaiete et promt retour. Je vous embrafle, Monfieur, de tout mon coeur

J. J. Rousseau.

To Mr. BOSWELL, &c.

Motiers, the 30 May, 1765.

THE stormy crisis in which I have found myself, since your departure from this, has not allowed me any leisure to answer your first letter, and hardly allows me leisure to reply in a few words to your second. To confine myfself to what is immediately pressing, the recommendation which you ask for Corsica; since you have a desire to visit those brave islanders, you may inquire at Bastia for M. Buttafoco[1], cap

  1. This man's plausibility imposed upon M. Rousleau and me. But he has shewn himself to be mean and treacherous; having