Page:An Anthology of Verse By American Negroes (1924).djvu/12

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It is a pleasure to acknowledge our indebtedness to Dr. J. H. Dillard, of the Jeanes Foundation, who has shown a friendly interest in the work and has helped with several valuable suggestions; to Dr. W. T. Laprade, of Trinity College, who supervised its publication for the Trinity College Press; to all of the surviving poets represented in this book, most of whom have cooperated cordially in furnishing biographical data and in giving permission to quote their verse; to The Century Magazine for the poems of J. D. Corrothers; The Crisis for poems by Countee P. Cullen and Jessie R. Fauset; The Southern Warkman for the poem of Sarah C. Fernandez; the Cornhill Co. for poems by Joseph Seaman Cotter, Jr., Charles Bertram Johnson and Georgia Douglas Johnson; the R. G. Badger Co. for poems by Walter Everette Hawkins; The Stratford Co. for poems by Leslie Pinckney Hill; Neale and Co. for poems by John Wesley Holloway; the Brimmer Co. for poems by Georgia Douglas Johnson; The Grafton Press for poems by H. Cordelia Ray; Sherman, French and Co. for poems by George Reginald Margetson; Harcourt, Brace and Co. for poems by Claude McKay; and to Dodd, Mead and Co. for poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar.

Newman I. White
W. C. Jackson

March, 1924.