Page:An Appeal to the Young by Kropotkin.djvu/15

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An Appeal to the Young.

and take your place in the ranks of the Socialists, and yon will work with them for the complete destruction of all slavery—economical, social and political.

Some day again you will learn the story of that charming young girl whose brisk gait, frank manners, and cheerful conversation you so lovingly admired. After having struggled for years and years against misery, she left her native village for the metropolis. She knew right well that there the struggle for existence would be fierce, but she hoped at least to be able to earn an honest livelihood. Well, you know now what has been her fate. Courted by the son of some capitalist she allowed herself to be enticed by his fine words, she gave herself up to him with all the passion of youth, only to see herself abandoned with a baby in her arms. Ever courageous she never ceased to struggle on; but she broke down in this unequal strife against cold and hunger, and she ended her days in one of the hospitals.

And you, woman of the people, has this left you cold and unmoved? While caressing the pretty head of that child who nestles close to you, do you never think about the lot that awaits him, if the present social conditions are not changed? Do you never reflect on the future awaiting your young sister and all your own children? Do you wish that your sons, they too, should vegetate as your father vegetated, with no other care than how to get his daily bread, with no other pleasure than the gin-palace? Do you want your husband, your lads to be ever at the mercy of the first comer who has inherited from his father a capital to exploit them with. Are you anxious that they should remain slaves for a master, food for powder, mere dung wherewith to manure the pasture lands of rich exproprietors?

Nay, never; thousand times no! I know well that your blood has boiled when you have heard that your husbands, after they entered on a strike full of fire and determination, have ended by accepting, cap in hand, the terms dictated by the bloated capitalist in a tone of lofty contempt! I know that you admire those Spanish women who, in a popular uprising, presented their breasts to the bayonets of the soldiery in the front ranks of the insurrectionists. I am certain that you mention with reverence the name of the woman who lodged a bullet in the chest of that ruffianly official who dared to outrage a Socialist prisoner in his cell. And I am confident that your heart beats faster when you read how the women of the people in Paris gathered under a rain of shells to encourage "their men" to heroic action.

Every one of you then, honest young people, men and women, peasants, labourers, artizans, and soldiers, you will understand what are your rights and you will come along with us; you will come in order to work with your brethern in the preparation of that Revolution which sweeping away every vestige of slavery, tearing the fetters asunder, breaking with the old worn-out traditions and opening to all mankind a new and wider scope of joyous existence, shall at length establish true Liberty, real Equality, ungrudging Fraternity throughout human society; work with all, work for all—the full enjoyment of the fruits of their labour, the complete development of all their faculties, a rational, human and happy life!

Don't let anyone tell us that we—but a small band—are too weak to attain unto the magnificent end at which we aim.