Page:An Australian Parsonage.djvu/27

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leg—Dislocated hip—Answer to coo-ee—Finding of human bones—Lost child—Discovery of relics—Reasons for easily losing one's way in bush—Anecdotes of Irish neighbour and the poor maid-servant—We spend a night out of doors—Silence of bush at night—A perplexing adventure—Horse brought back by Khourabene—A "dropped hip"—We are thrown out of cart and feel injured by horse's indifference to what has happened—Traces repaired with knitting-cotton. … Page 235

Bishop Salvado's history of Australia and of the Benedictine Mission of New Norcia in Western Australia—Missionaries dispatched by "Propaganda"—Rudesindo SalVado and Giuseppe Serra obtain leave to quit La Cava—Commencement of native vocabulary—Sad incident on reaching Perth—Formation of Missions—Captain Scully's proposal—Missionaries leave Perth and soon present travel-stained appearance—Disappointment in finding no water—Lengthened walk in search of it—Building of hut—Approach of natives—Insupportable suspense—Mode of propitiating natives—Natives assist in completing hut—Provisions almost consumed—Eating of grubs—Bishop unable to provide shoes—Musical entertainment—Help arrives too late—Patching clothes—Present of flour—Missionaries in character of surgeons—Tales by fire-light—"Jingy corobbery"—New views of Missionaries—Cannibalism—Infanticide—Tilling ground the best remedy—Scheme for founding monastery and native village—Perplexity about ways and means—Remittances from "Propaganda"—Laying the first stone—Pompey provides dinners for builders—Allotments—Wages—Habits of saving inculcated—Naming of heifer calf—Obstacles to success of Mission—Cordon sanitaire—Marriage of converts—Aristocratic ideas—Drinking tea in bush—Orphan child carried to Perth—Meeting between Father Salvado and little travelling companion. … 273

Names upon shore-line of West Australia in three different languages—Legend of Great Java—Spanish admiral invents name of Australia—Pioneers of West Australia exclusively Dutch—Discovery of Swan River—Finding of inscription on Dirk Hartog's Island—Dampier's shark—M. de Bougainville—Reasons of Admiral D'Entrecasteax's voyage being undertaken—Captain Baudin's ideas about names—Tale invented by colonial John Bull—Naturalists lose their way—Captain Baudin's inhumanity—Pewter plate carried to Paris—Captain Stirling sails to Swan River—His favourable reports of it—Cockburn