Page:An Australian Parsonage.djvu/443

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year, subject to renewal for a second year, at the option of the Governor. The rent chargeable to be at the rate of 2s. per acre for the first year, and 4s. per acre for the second year.
"No Licences granted for a less term than one year, or for a smaller sum than 8l.
"The holder of any Mining Licence may exchange his Licence for a Mining Lease for any period not exceeding ten years, and at an annual rent of 8s. per acre paid in advance.
"For the same period, and on the same terms, Mining Leases shall be granted to any other person on approved application."


Since the foregoing pages were written the Bishop of Perth has carried out his wish to establish, under his own eye, a school for native children similar to that conducted at Albany by Mrs. Camfield. The pupils have been removed from Albany to Perth and are now, under the superintendence of the Bishop, entrusted to the care of one thoroughly well suited to a post of such responsibility, Miss Sheperd, late mistress of the Girls' School at York. At present the native children are accommodated in temporary quarters; but a building expressly intended for the Native Institute has already been commenced and will shortly be completed, when it is hoped that an earnest and united effort will be made by the colony to carry out the purpose which the Bishop has so much at heart by the establishment of a large and prosperous native home.