Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/301

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��Hiereu-nug— the priest 0?- priests,

as the object. Hieron — Gr., temple. Hieron ka — at the temple. Hieron tin — from (on account of)

the temple. Hierothalem — Gr. , Jerusalem. Hierothalem ka — at or in J. Hierothalem kabirug — out of J.;

from (away from) J. Hierothalem-kal — belonging to

Jerusalem (masc.) ; a man of

Jerusalem. Hierothalem-kalin — belonging

to Jerusalem (fern.); a woman

of Jerusalem. Hour (fhora, Gr.) — ^«</., hour. Hour ba — when (at) the hour. Hour ka — was at the hour. Hour-ka-ta — it was at the hour. Hundared — see hekaton. Hundared-ta — hundred it is; the


��I (i) — sounds as e in Eng. 'eat.' I (i) — sounds as ee in 3ng. 'e'en.' laeiro (Yaeiro) — Gr., Jairus. lakob (Yakob) — pr.n., Jacob, lakobnug — Jacob, as the object, lakobumba — belonging to Jacob Iak6bo (Yak6bo) — Gr., James. Iak6bo-umba — of or belonging to

James ; James's. lak6bo-umba-ko — belonging to

J., as the agent. Yehua — Heh. pr.n., Jehovah. Yehoanug — J., as the object. Yehoa kin — to Jehovah. Yehoa-ko — J., as the agent. Yehoa-umba — belonging to J. I6thu — Gr. pr.n., Jesus, lethu katoa — with (in company

with) Jesus, lethu kin — to Jesus, locally, [is.

��lethu kinko — to Jesus, where he lethu-ko — Jesus, as the agent, lethunug — Jesus, as the object, loanna — jtr.n., Joanna, loanna-ko — Joanna, as an agent. Joanne — Gr. jjr.n., John, loannenug — J., as the object, loanne-umba — of or belonging to

John ; John's, lona — Gr., Jonas, loradan — pr. n. , Jordan, lothep (Yothep) — fr.n., Joseph. Yothep kinko — to Joseph. Yothepumba — belonging to J. Italo — Gr., a calf. Ithiik — pr.n., Isaac. Ithaknug — Isaac, as the object. Ithakumba — belonging to I. Ithakariot — pr.n., Iscariot. Itharael — pr.n., Israel. Itharaelnug — Is., as the object. Ithiirael koba — belongino; to Is. Iturea — pr.n., Iturea. ludaia — Gr. pr.n., Judea. ludaio (-oi) — Gr.pjr.n., a Jew. ludaio koba — of or belonging to

a Jew or Jews, ludath — pr.n., Judas, ludath kin — to Judas, ludath kinko — to Judas (for him

to have).

��[Other tribal dialects have the palatals j and 6, but this Awaba- kal has not ; in it j occurs only in imported words. — Ed.]

��Jail — Eng., jail. Jeriko — pr.n., Jericho. Jerusalem — see Hierothalem.


��K is sounded as in Eng. 'Kate.'

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