Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/357

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Indicative mood.

T. 1. G-atc' yan lakkin. T. 4. Gate^ yan lak-kani.

2. Gate* yan lakkir. 5. Gate* lak-el ityan.

3. Gate* yan lak-emb. 6. Lakkin-el atte" ityan.

T. 7. Gate lak-uganye. Otlicr forms of the future are : — Giute el our ityan lak, ' tliou must spear liim.'

Lak amb el ityan, ' sliall I spear liim '?


T. 2. Gap' anagk laggelir.


T. 1. Gel' anagk laggel-amb.

Optative or Potential Mood.

T. 1. Gate* in-anyura lakkin T. 2. Lak-ilde atte" ityan

Imperative Mood.

Singular. Dual and Plural.

T. 1. Lak war ind Gel* war lakkin

II war lak Gurn* war lakkin

T. 2. Lak e (ityan, 'him.') Tauo lak ityan.

T. 3. Laggel-el our (or war) ap^

Infinitive Mood.

Lak, ' to spear '; lak uramb, ' for the purpose of spearing.'


Laggelin, ' spearing '; laggelir, ' speared.

Passive Voice.

Indicative Mood.

Singular. Dual. Plural.

T. 1. Gan lakkir Lam lakkir Nam lakkir

Gum lakkir Lom lakkir Nom lakkir

Kin lakkir Keggun lakkir Kan lakkir

[Note. — This is not a real Passive Voice, but only a substitute for it ; see page 33 of this volume. The pronoun forms used with lakkir show this, for they are in the accusative. — Ed.]


��Ng-ai, * to come.'

��Indicative Mood. T. 1. Gai-in ap\ T. 2. Puntir ap*. T. 3. Gai-el ap*.

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