Page:An Elementary History of Art.djvu/109

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BoHANESQUE ARCHITECTURE. 79 than the high altar, with a screen on each side, the stalls of the clergy and choir being on the west of the point of intersection of the nave and transepts. The cathedral of Santiago, although modernised, belongs to the twelfth century, and retains the massiveness characteristic of that "111 [Vi'VI 1 - j Jiliiuiiiiliiw^- iLliili:!i!U ^■iiiir ■ ~ ■ ' f — -*•• ^^ — Fiy. 40. — Kounmesque Arches. a«-e. The cathedrals of Tarragona and Barcelona show Moorish influence rather than Gothic, and the cathedral and Madeleine church of Zamorra are of a similar class — round arches being mixed with Saracenic forms. The English buildings belonging to this age will be noticed in the chapter on English architecture.