Page:An Elementary History of Art.djvu/203

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Egyptian Sculpture. 173 historical value, as they are pictorial annals of the lives of the deceased, in which figures of the presiding deities are introduced. A very accurate notion of the appearance of these bas-reliefs may be obtained from the admirable reproductions in the Egyptian court at the Crystal Palace, executed by a band of trained mechanics under the direction of Bonomi, who studied in the best schools of ssgggggl 71. — Egyptian bas-relief. Kameses III. between Tboth and Horus. Egyptian art — the temples and the tombs. These bas- reliefs occupy an intermediate position between the art of the old Empire and that of the Ptolemean period. The great Sphinx of Memphis is a remarkable work, dating from the earliest times ; it is hewn from a spur of the living rock. It is 172 ft. long by 56 ft. high.