Page:An Elementary History of Art.djvu/25

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. AECHITECTUEE. PAGE Chartres Cathedral. Interior of Choir (Frontispiece). Miserere Seat. From Wells Cathedral (on title-page). 1. Tope of Ceylon 6 2. Cave of Elephanta 7 3. Pillar in Hindu Temple 8 4. Hindu Temple. Gopura, or Gate Pyramid .... 9 5. Pylon (Entrance-gate) of an Egyptian Temple . . . .12 6. Egyptian Columns . . 13 7. Capital of an Egyptian Column. Palm Ornament . . .13 8. Egyptian Pillar and Beam 14 9. Rock-cut Temple at Ipsambul, on the Nile . . . .15 9a. Egyptian Sphinx 16 10. Winged Bulls of the gateway at Khorsabad . . . .18 11. Pavement Slab from the Palace of Koyunjik . . . .19 12. Part of the Rock-cut Facade of the Tomb of Darius . .21 13. Column with Spiral Ornament ....«•• 22 14. Rock-cut front of a grave at Doganlu. The so-called Grave of .'Midas 23 15. Rock-cut Tomb at Myra in Lycia . . . . . .25 16. Palace of Zayi 27 17. Casa de las Monjas at Uxmal 28 17a. Ground-plan of the Temple of Neptune at Psestum . . .30 18. Doric Order ; from the Temple of Theseus at Athens . . .34 19. Ionic Order ; from the Temple of Athena at Priene . . .36 20. Corinthian Order ; from the Monument of Lysicrates at Athens . 38 21. The Temple of Theseus at Athens 40 22. Acropolis at Athens, Propyhea and Parthenon (restored) . • 41