Page:An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals - Hume (1751).djvu/78

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Duty of ALLEGIANCE is the Advantage which it procures to Society, by preserving Peace and Order amongst Mankind.

When a Number of political Societies are erected, and maintain a great Entercourse together; a new Set of Rules are immediately discover'd to be useful in that particular Situation; and accordingly take place, under the Title of LAWS of NATIONS. Of this Kind are, the Sacredness of the Persons of Ambassadors, abstaining from poison'd Arms, Quarter in War, with others of that Kind; which are plainly calculated for the Advantage of States and Kingdoms, in their Entercourse with each other.

The Rules of Justice, such as prevail amongst Individuals, are not altogether suspended amongst political Societies. All Princes pretend a Regard to the Rights of others; and some, no doubt, without Hypocrisy. Alliances and Treaties are every Day made betwixt independent States, which would only be so much Waste of Parchment, if they were not found, by Experience, to have some Influence and Authority. But here is the Difference betwixt Kingdoms and Individuals. Human Nature cannot, by any Means, subsist, without the Association of Individuals; and that Association never could have Place, were no Regard pay'd to the Laws of Equityand