Page:An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard, Lord Viscount Cobham - Pope (1733).djvu/19

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( 11 )

Ask you why Clodio broke thro' every rule?
'Twas all for fear, the Knaves shou'd call him Fool.

Nature well known, no Miracles remain,
Comets are regular, and Clodio plain.
Yet, in the search, the wisest may mistake,
If second Qualities for first they take.
When Catiline by rapine swell'd his store,
When Cæsar made a noble Dame a whore,
In this the Lust, in that the Avarice
Were means, not ends; Ambition was the Vice.
That very Cæsar, born in Scipio's days,
Had aim'd, like him, by Chastity at praise:
Lucullus, when Frugality could charm,
Had roasted Turnips in the Sabin farm:
In vain th' Observer eyes the Builder's toil,
But quite mistakes the Scaffold for the Pile.

In this one Passion Man can strength enjoy,
As Fits give vigour, just when they destroy.
Time, that on all things lays his lenient hand,
Yet tames not this: It sticks to our last sand.
