Page:An Essay on Virgil's Æneid.djvu/13

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VIRGIL's Æneid.

Wing all thy furious Winds; o'erwhelm their Ships;
Disperse, or drown the Wretches in the Deeps.
Twice sev'n bright Nymphs of beauteous Shape are mine,
For thy Reward the fairest I'll resign,
And make the charming Deiopeia thine;100
She, on thy Bed, long Blessings shall confer,
And make thee Father of a Race like her.

'Tis your's, great Queen, replies the Pow'r, to lay
The Task, and mine to listen and obey.
By you, I sit a Guest with Gods above,105
And share the Graces and the Smiles of Jove:
By you, these Realms, this Sceptre I maintain,
And wear these Honours of the stormy Reign.

So spoke th' obsequious God, and, while he spoke,
Whirl'd his vast Spear, and pierc'd the hollow Rock.110
