Page:An Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson.djvu/139

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The History of the Regio Syrtica.
———————— Turks, Tartars, and Moguls.
———————— Indians.
———————— Chinese.
———————— Dissertation on the peopling of America.
The History of the Dissertation on the Independency of the Arabs.
The Cosmogony, and a small part of the History immediately following. By Mr. Sale.
To the Birth of Abraham. Chiefly by Mr. Shelvock.
History of the Jews, Gauls, and Spaniards. By Mr. Psalmanazar.
Xenophon's Retreat. By the same.
History of the Persians, and the Constantinopolitan Empire. By Dr. Campbell.
History of the Romans. By Mr. Bower[1].

  1. Before this authentic communication, Mr. Nichols had given, in the volume of the Magazine, for 1781, p. 370, the following account of the Universal History. The proposals were published October 6, 1729; and the authors of the first seven volumes were,
    Vol. I. Mr. Sale, translator of the Koran.
    II. George Psalmanazar.
    III. George Psalmanazar.