Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/108

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In the Færoese folk-rhyme, “langspina” is linked with the name Kinna, and has been accepted as an adjectival designation of this name. It should be remarked that “Langspina” in the Shetlandic rhyme is placed directly after Lira which concludes a line. Shetl. Langspina has possibly originally been an adjectival attribute of Lira. The Færoese combination, mentioned above, supports the acceptance of Lira as an ancient *Hlýra.

Strippa as a name for a cow, may be either a) No. (south-west Norw.) stripla, f., Da. dial. strippe, goldstrippe, f., a cow giving but little milk, or b) the striped one. As the immediately preceding and immediately following names have been given by reason of colour, Strippa has probably been accepted here in sense b, but is, in that case, a more recent form (formed from L.Sc. strippit, adj., striped).

Häᶇ strȯk ɔp and häᶇ strȯk nērə
amɩᶅ·əna gɛ‘msɩna frūa
bət ø̄dəlȯg ə də ø̄ra
hwat gød rāmən ljø̄a
ā mi keᶅaka
mōlhus mən sø̄da
mōlhus fæ mä‘ᶅkfād
mä‘ᶅkfād fæ drāv gād
drāv gād fæ glø̄ən vi̇̄
glø̄ən vi̇̄ fæ k‘nɩknan k‘nak
an(d) a pɩknən stak
an(d) ā njū an väᶅdət.

Variant forms:

a) Häᶇ strȯk ɔp and häᶇ strȯk nērəHäᶇ skrē ɔp o hän skrē nērə
amɩᶅ·ana gɛ‘msəna frūa
maina log (lɔg) ə də hȯira hand
hwat gɛts rāmən ljø̄a.
— — — — — — — — — —

b) Häᶇ skrē, etc.
mɩᶇa loga frūa
stak fɛ‘ᶅta grōa
hwat gets de ramən ljōa[errata 1].

c) Häᶇ, etc.
mɩᶅana gæ‘msa frūa
stat fɛᶅdin grō fūdən gūa.

Line 1 and 2. The older form of these has been: Hann strauk upp ok hann strauk niðr ámillum gemsanda frúa.

i.e. he stroked up, and he stroked down among the gibing (scoffing, frolicsome) ladies.

strok = O.N. strauk, past tense of strjúka, vb., to stroke. Some

  1. Correction: ljōa should be amended to ljø̄a: detail