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from the root *dratt- (of something clumsy) and the same word as — or cognate with — O.N. drǫttr, m., indicating a rude person. Cf. the foll. words as well as *droita.

droits, vb., see drots, vb.

droitsi, sb., see drotsi, sb.

droitslengi, sb., see drottslengi.

droll [drȯᶅ], sb., hesitation; slowness in movement. Du.; Conn. Cf. Icel. droll, n., delay; loitering (B.H.). Shetl. droll is also used in the sense of slow or drawling speech, “der’r a queer d. upon him” — certainly through infl. of Eng. drawl; de(r) wer a queer d. upon him (Conn.).

droll [drȯᶅ], vb., to move indolently and heavily, esp. of a slovenly person; to geng drollin. Du.; Conn. Icel. drolla, vb., to dawdle (B.H.). Shetl. droll has been influenced by Eng. drawl, vb., in the sense of to talk drawlingly. Cf. drall, vb., and drøl, vb.

drollet [drȯᶅət], adj., that dawdles, negligent and dilatory (Du.); negligent, untidy (Conn.). Also drolli [drȯᶅi] (Du.). Deriv. of droll, vb., but merges partly into trollet, adj.

drollslaget, adj., see trollslaget.

drolsket [drȯ‘lskət, drȯ‘ᶅᶊkət], adj., slow; lounging; dilatory. Nmn. occas. (N.Roe) and Nmw. [drȯ‘lskət, drȯ‘ᶅᶊkət]. Ai. [drȯ‘lskət]. Prob. a parallel form to dralsket, adj.; q.v. In Nmn. “drolsket” and “dralsket” alternate in the same sense.

drolt, sb. and vb., see drult, sb. and vb.

droltet, adj., see drultet.

drolti [drȯ‘ᶅti], sb., a nickname for a clumsy being with heavy movements, e.g. a stubborn horse. The word was used by fishermen as a tabu-name (sea-term) for a codfish. U. *drult-. See further drult sb. and vb.

dromsket, adj., see drumsket, adj.

*drong [dråŋ], sb., a high rock

in the sea; hardly used now except as a place-name, thus: de Drongs (two rocks in St. Magnus’ Bay, Nmw.). Edm. has “drong” as a common noun. O.N. drangr, m., a pointed rock. Cf. stakk, sb., as the name generally used of a rock in the sea.

dronj [drȯᶇ] and more comm.: droin [drȯin (drɔin, dråin)], vb., 1) (to low), to emit a hollow, prolonged sound; comm. of cows: to low softly, prolonging the sound (as cows do sometimes for fodder). Also drøn [drøn], drønj [drøᶇ] and drond, droind [drȯind, drȯᶇd]. drøn: Du. drønj: Fe. drond, droind: Y. and U. occas. 2) to speak slowly and drawlingly; Ai. [(drȯᶇ) drȯin]. 3) to growl, speaking in a low voice, incoherently; also to speak crossly in a low voice; muttering in a cross tone; Wests. (Sa.); Nm.; De.; L. drɔin: Sa. drȯin: Nm., De., L. 4) to drone; buzz, of insects, esp. of bees, wasps; de bee is droinin [drȯinɩn] (Nm.; De.; L.). 5) to hum a tune in a droning voice, to droin a tune (Nm., De., L.: drȯin. Sa.: drɔin). — No., Icel. and Fær. drynja, Sw. dial. dryna (drönja, dröna), Da. dial. drynne, drøn(n)e, vb., to low softly, prolonging the sound, esp. of cows; also (as in No. and Sw. dial.) to mumble; to speak indistinctly, mutter, growl.dronj, droin, etc. are rarely found as substantives; see drøn, sb.

dronjer [drȯᶇər], sb., fishermen’s tabu-name (sea-term) for a cow. S.Sh., L., De., etc. Occas. also dronjasi [drȯᶇ··asi·] (L.; De.). “dronjasi” and “dronjesi [drȯᶇ··əsi·]” are also sometimes used as tabu-names for pig. — *dronjer from an older *drynjari; see dronj, vb. dronjasi is formed on the analogy of words ending in -asi.

dronjet [drȯᶇət] and droinet [drȯinət], adj., that speaks slowly and