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silly, esp. of wildness, excessive mirth, fjilsket [fjɩ‘lskət, fjə‘lskət]: U. occas.; Du. fjolsket [fjꜵ̈‘lskət]; Wests. occas. The word prob. includes both O.N. (Mod. Icel.) fíflskr, adj., silly; foolish, and O.N. fólskr, silly; stupid; poss. also *villsk-; see prec. filska, sb. fjolsket most prob. points to “fólskr”.

fim [fɩm], sb., = fem, sb.; a fim o’ meal, a fim o’ frost, “fɩm”: Y. occas., Fee.; “fem”: Few. Also fjim [fjɩm] (U. occas.). — No. fim, n., a thin layer (R.), = feim; O.Da. and Da. dial. fiim, sb., a thin layer; froth, etc.

fimis [fɩmɩs, fimɩᶊ], sb., haste, esp. confused, noisy haste. Also confusion; excitement. Is prob. No. fima, f., precipitation; haste (R.), from O.N. fimr, adj., nimble; agile, but appears to be influenced by Eng. fumish, adj., and fumishness, sb. Cf. fommis.

fimis [fɩmɩs, fɩmɩᶊ], vb., to make great haste. No. fima (fima seg), vb., to hasten. For the suffix -is in[errata 1] fimis see fimis, sb.

fimm, vb., and fimmin, sb., see fomm, vb., and fommin, sb.

*fimm [fem], num., five, O.N. fimm. F.I.

fin, finn [fɩn, fən], sb., layer of dust, commonly: a layer of mould or mustiness, e.g. on corn, bread, occas. also on fish, meat (cf. blonäild, adj.); der’r a f. upon it. Sometimes in the compd. blofin(n) [blofɩn·, bᶅofɩn·, -fən·] or “blue-fin(n)”, “blue mould". Also finni [fəᶇɩ], blofinni [blofəᶇ·ɩ], blue-f. (N.). No. faan, f., Fær. fon, n., Da. dial. føn and Sw. fan, n., dust; a layer of dust; flake; down; No. fauna, føyna, f., putrid skin (on fluid, esp. on milk). finni, esp. might be syn. with a *fyrni; No. forne, m., inter alia mould. See finsk, sb.

find (fiend) [find], sb., thin, poor

corn. Un. Prob. Eng. fiend, sb. See further under fjandi, sb.

find [fɩnd], adj., covered with a layer of dust, mustiness or mould, f. corn. blofind [blofɩnd·, bᶅofɩnd·], blue-find, musty. A deriv. of fin, finn, sb. Cf. finnet, finsket, adjs.

finder [fɩndər], sb., a find; something found; yon [‘that’] is a f.! it is a good find, a thing of great value, mostly ironically; I fann a f., I made a good find, partly ironically. Nmw., Wh., Fe.O.N. fyndr, m., a find. — A form finden (Edm.) may have arisen from the def. accus. form “fyndinn” (nom. fyndrinn). — See funder, sb.

fingerbjörg (-bjorg), sb., see björg (bjorg), sb.

finn [fɩn], vb., 1) vb. a., to find, O.N. finna. 2) vb. a., to be sensible of, to feel, = O.N. finna, finna til; I fann de gof o’ his breath, I felt his strong breath on my face (Yh.); to finn cauld [‘cold’], to feel cold. 3) vb. n., to feel; to f. weel [‘well’], to feel well, to f. ill, to feel ill, to be indisposed; I finn no [‘not’] very weel; hoo (foo) finns du? hoo (foo)’s du finnin? how are you? (Fe.). No. finna seg, to feel. — The old inflection is partly preserved in the Shetl. verb.; impf.: fann [fan] = O.N. fann, found; perf. part.: fonn [fȯn] = O.N. funninn, found.

finna, finni, sb., see fona, sb.

finnet [fɩnət, fənət], adj., covered with dust; musty; mouldy, = find, adj.; blofinnet [blofɩn·ət, bᶅofɩn·ət, -fən·ət], blue-finnet, musty.

finsk [fɩ‘nsk, fə‘nsk], sb., 1) layer of dust, mustiness or mould, = fin, finn, sb., blofinsk [blofɩ‘nsk·, bᶅofɩ‘nsk·, -fə‘nsk·] and blovinsk [-vɩ‘nsk, -və‘nsk], blue-f., “blue mould”. 2) a slight covering of clouds, haze (Du.), = a) fjonsk [fjȯ‘nsk], which is doubtless a parallel form to finsk; b) fjongs, fongs, fjons. All these

  1. Correction: in should be amended to in: detail