Page:An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India.djvu/257

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Singh, however, lived long enough to assume the reins of power, and no longer. On his death his widow was permitted, with the advice of the principal Bundelá chiefs, to adopt a collateral relation of the family, Hamír Singh The representatives of this prince, who is now about twenty-four years old, rendered good service in 1857. In consideration of this the tribute previously paid by him to Jhansi for the district of Teráolí was remitted. In 1862 he received a sunnud conferring upon him the right of adoption.

The Rájá is entitled to a salute of eleven guns. Satí was prohibited in his dominions in 1847.


Area—8.30 sq. miles.

Population— 120,000.

Revenue—10,00,000 rupees.

The Rájás of this State belong to the same family as those of Úrchah or Tehríi. Datia was severed from Tehríi about the year 1735; but even then it attained only a quasi-independence, the suzerainty of the Peshwa being acknowledged. When the Peshwa was forced in 1802-3 to sign the treaty of Bassein, the States in Bundelkhand which acknowledged fealty to him transferral their allegiance to the British Government. Of these Datiá was one. Consequently on March 15, 1804, a treaty was entered into with the ruler of the country, Ráo Rájá Párichéet, on the usual terms on which protection was accorded.

The Ráo Rájá having evinced his attachment to the British interests by zealous co-operation during the war which terminated in 1817 in the deposition of the Peshwa. a tract of land on the east of the river Sindh was added to his dominions, and a new treaty, making over to him this tract, was signed July 31, 1318.

Rájá Párichét died without issue in 1839, and was succeeded by a foundling whom he had adopted, named