Page:An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India.djvu/451

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A General Dictionary of Geogl'a/J/z I, Dcsrrzfz‘izlc, P/zysieal, 5112113112121, and H istoriml ,' forming a com- pla‘e Gasez‘z‘eerof [/10 I I '07’111’. By A. [Cell/1 _70/111stmz,


[Van Edition, throng/10' raised. [In the grass.

T/ze Public Selma/s 11/11— 711111! of fl/oa’era Geogra/w y l Forming a Com/undo): 1‘0 ‘ T/ze Paélie Srlzools Atlas (f flfodcra Geograp/z '.’ By Rev. G. Bat/er, 111.14.

[In (/11 frz'ss.


T/ze Universe 11111! //1e C omiflg Transits; Re- scarr/zes into (1110’ [Veto Views respecting [lie C011- sz‘iz‘az‘ion oft/1e Heavens. By R. A. Proctor, B.A.

[Vii/1 22 6711111: 11111] 22 Dizzgmms. SW. 16:.

T/ze Transits 0f Vein/s; A P0/2111arA66011111‘ of Past and C oilzz'ag Transits, from l/ze first observed by Her— ror/cs AD. 16 39 1‘0 [/26 T rausiz‘ of AD. 2012.

By R. A. Pron‘or, B.A.

U’zI/z 20 Plate: (12 Colmzrm’) 11111] 27 "1701!- mts. Frown 8w. 8:. 611'.

Saturn and its System. '

By R. A. Prettqr. B.A.

8w. will: [4 Plum, 14:.

T/ze Public Selma/s A 27115 of 1710112771 Geograp/zy. [11 31 [Ila/7s, arlziéiz‘ing [Ivar/y [/ze more {III/10111112! P/zysi— [al sz‘ltres 1/ Me Comt— tries a’c/im‘az‘m'.

Ediz‘m'. wit/1 [111‘1'011'111‘1‘1'014 (5y Rein G. But/er, 111.14.

Im/e'rz'al gum-lo, 3:. 611'. 5170111; 5:. (Int/1.

T /1e P1Ib/1'eSe/100/s A //as of 141111271! Geogrqb/I '. Edited, wit/1 an [Izlroa’ztr-

[[011 011 [/ze Study 1/ A11— [imt Geograp/z y. [1y [/16 Rev. G. Bm‘lcr, 171.14.

Impcrial Quarto. [[11 [/15 press.


Essays 011 /]5/1’0110111y. A Series of Pafers 012 Pia/1111‘s alza’ JIez‘mrs, [/16 51111 and Sztlz-sztrromza’i/zg Spare, Stars and Star C [and/12‘s.

By B. A. Proctor, Bx].

[Vii/1 10 Plate: and 24 IVaodmts.

T/ie Aloe/1 ,- lier filo/ions, As/wd. Stately, alza’ P/zy- sieal Condition.

By R. 41. Pl'on‘or, Burl.

[Vii/1 Plates, C/Iarts, “Eldon/s, (1111/ 1.111111." I’lwtaévap/II. Crown 8? .7. I 5:.

TIM 51111 ,- [Ca/er, Lig/zi, Fire, and L17? 1] 1/11 Pla- netary System.

By 11’. A. Procter, B.‘ 1.

‘ Strand Edith». Plates am! lfboriruts. C1.

82-0. 14:.

SW. 12:.