Page:An Introduction to the Study of Fishes.djvu/107

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ethmoid; F, frontal; Ma, mastoid; Mp, metapterygoid; Mx, maxillary; N, nasal; O, operculum; Oc, occipital; Pa, parietal; Pl, palatine; Pmx, præmaxillary; po, postorbital; Prf, prefrontal; Pt, post-temporals; Ptf, postfrontal; Ptr, pterygoid; Q, quadrate; S, suspensorium; So, suboperculum; Sp, sphenoid; Spl, splenial; St, supratemporals; T, tympanic lamina; Tu, turbinal; v, vomer; x x, small ossicles; x' x' , spiraculars.

being greatly increased. They are arranged much in the same fashion as in Teleostei. But a great portion of the primordial cranium remains cartilaginous. The membrane-bones which cover the upper and lower surfaces of the brain-case are so much developed as to cause the underlying cartilage to disappear, so that a large vacuity or fontanelle exists in the substance of the upper as well as lower cartilaginous wall. Of ossifications belonging to the primordial skull must be noticed the single occipital with a mastoid on each side. They are separated by persistent cartilage from the sphenoids and postfrontals; the former, which are the largest ossification of the primordial cranium, enclose the anterior half of the brain cavity. Finally, the nasal portion contains a median ethmoid and a pair of præfrontal bones.

Only a very small portion of the bones described are visible externally, nearly the whole of the primordial cranium being covered by the membrane-bones. Of these are seen on the upper surface a pair of parietals, frontals, "nasals," and turbinals; on the lower surface a large cross-shaped basal, anteriorly bordered on each side by a pterygoid, parallel to a palatine which forms a suture with the double vomer. The suspensorium has in front a metapterygoid and quadrate bone, and an operculum and suboperculum are attached to it behind.

Præmaxillaries and maxillaries are now fully developed, but immovably attached to the skull. The lower jaw is ossified, and consists of an articulary, angular, dentary, and splenial. Of labial cartilages a rudiment at the angle of the mouth has remained persistent.