Page:An Introduction to the Study of Fishes.djvu/60

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the water, and able to remain (as it were) suspended in it. This deviation from the typical form may proceed so far that the vertical axis greatly exceeds the longitudinal in length; generally all the parts of the body participate in this form, but in one kind of fish (the Sun-fish or Orthagoriscus) it is chiefly the tail which has been shortened, and reduced so much as to present the appearance of being cut off. An excessive lengthening of the longitudinal axis, with a shortening of the vertical, occurs in Eels and eel-like fishes, and in the so-called Band-fishes. They are bottom-fish, capable of insinuating themselves into narrow crevices and holes. The form of the body of these long fish is either cylindrical, snake-like, as in the Eels and many Codfishes, or strongly compressed as in the Band-fishes (Trichiurus, Regalecus, etc.) It is chiefly the tail which is lengthened, but frequently the head and trunk participate more or less in this form. Every possible variation occurs between these and other principal types of form. The old ichthyologists, even down to Linneeus, depended in great measure on them for classification; but although often the same form of body obtains in the same group of fishes, similarity of form by no means indicates natural affinity; it only indicates similitude of habits and mode of life.

Eye. The external parts of the Head.—The Eye divides the head into the ante-orbital and post-orbital portion. In most fishes, especially in those with a compressed head, it is situated on the side and in the anterior half of the length of the head; in many, chiefly those with a depressed head, it is directed upwards, and sometimes situated quite at the upper side; in very few, the eyes look obliquely downwards. In the Flat-fishes both eyes are on the same side of the head, either the right or the left, always on that which is directed towards the light, and coloured.

Fishes in general, compared with other Vertebrata, have large eyes. Sometimes these organs are enormously enlarged,