Page:An Old English Home and Its Dependencies.djvu/387

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MESSRS. METHUEN'S LIST 37 MODERN CIVILIZATION IN SOME OF ITS ECONOMIC ASPECTS. By W. CUNNINGHAM, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. THE PROBLEM OF THE UNEMPLOYED. By J. A. HOBSON, B.A., LIFE IN WEST LONDON. By ARTHUR SHERWELL, M.A. Second Edition. RAILWAY NATIONALIZATION. By CLEMENT EDWARDS. WORKHOUSES AND PAUPERISM. By LOUISA TWINING. Classical Translations EditedbyH. F. FOX, M. A., Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. AESCHYLUS Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides. Translated by LEWIS CAMPBELL, LL.D., late Professor of Greek at St. Andrews, 51. CICERO De Oratore I. Translated by E. N. P. MOOR, M.A. y. 6d. CICERO Select Orations (Pro Milone, Pro Murena, Philippic H., In Catilinam). Translated by H. E. D. BLAKISTON, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Oxford, y. CICERO De Natura Deorum. Translated by F. BROOKS, M.A., late Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford. 3*. 6d. HORACE : THE ODES AND EPODES. Translated by A. GODLEV, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. 21. LUCIAN Six Dialogues (Nigrinus, Icaro-Menippus, The Cock, TheShip, The Parasite, The Lover of Falsehood). Translated by S. T. IRWIN.M. A., Assis- tant Master at Clifton ; late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford. 3^. 6rf. SOPHOCLES Electra and Ajax. Translated by E. D. A. MORSHEAD, M.A., Assistant Master at Winchester, zs. 6d. TACITUS Agricola and Germania. Translated by R. B. TOWNSHKND, late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, zs. 6d. Educational Books CLASSICAL PLAUTI BACCHIDES. Edited with Introduction, Commentary, and Critical Notes by J. M'Cosn, M.A. Fcap. 4/0. 125. 6d. 'The notes are copious, and contain a great deal of information that is good and useful. ' Classical Review. PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. By E. C. MARCHANT, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; and A. M. COOK, M.A., late Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford ; Assistant Masters at St. Paul's School. Crown 8vo. %s. 6d. 'A capital selection, and of more variety and value than such books usually are.' Athenjxum. ' A judiciously compiled book which will be found widely convenient.' Schoolmaster. ' We know no book of this class better fitted for use in the higher forms of schools.' Guardian. TACITI AGRICOLA. With Introduction, Notes, Map, etc. By R. F. DAVIS, M.A., Assistant Master at Weymouth College. Crmvn 8vo. zt. TACITI GERMANIA. By the same Editor. Crown 8vo. zs. HERODOTUS : EASY SELECTIONS. With Vocabulary. By A. C. LlDDELL, M.A. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d,