Page:An Ordinance (League and Covenant) - 1643.djvu/7

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That if any Miniſter do refuſe to take, or to tender the Covenant, or any other perſon or perſons do not take it the Lords day that it is tendred, that then it be tendred to them again the Lords day following, and if they ſtill continue to refuſe it, that then their Names be returned by the Miniſter that tenders it, and by the Churchwardens or Conſtables unto the Committees, and by them to the Houſe of Commons, that ſuch further courſe may be taken with them, as the Houſes of Parliament ſhall ſee cauſe.


That all ſuch perſons as are within the ſeverall Pariſhes when notice is given of the taking of it, and do abſent themſelves from the Church at the time of taking it, and come not in afterwards, to the Miniſter and Churchwardens, or other Officers, to take it in their preſence before the returne be made, be returned as refuſers.


The manner of the taking it to be thus, The Miniſter to read the whole Covenant diſtinctly and audibly in the Pulpit, and during the time of the reading therof, the whole Congregation to be uncovered, and at the end of his reading therof, all to take it ſtanding, lifting
