Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/14

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to hold and enjoy till you were ready to sell. They farther libelled the peaceable farmers of the North of Ireland by calling the sale of Tenant-right a mere "life insurance," asserting that an incoming tenant was always forced to pay the price of the outgoing tenant's good will, lest he should be murdered, and for that reason alone.

You have, I am sure, attended to the course of public affairs since these landlord-commissioners made their report: you have seen four successive bills brought into Parliament by ministers, both Whig and Tory (they are all the same), expressly, avowedly to destroy your tenant-right root and branch, to rob you openly of all you have in the world, and give you instead a title to be compensated for future improvements, provided they were effected according to an elaborate system of specifications which none of you could understand to be compensated, I say, for these, or au unexpired interest in these, whenever your landlords, the Grand Masters, might think proper to turn you out of house and home.

You have also observed, doubtless, the tricks of those same ministers (Whig and Tory) to evade the discussion of any of Mr. Sharman Crawford's bills, by which an imperfect tenant-right would actually have been established; and how, at length, when they could evade it no longer, they boldly threw it out, as an infringement on the "rights of property."

And you are further aware that the last deliberate attempt to defraud you, that known by the name of Sir William Somerville's bill—