Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/17

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things! Is it so? We are told that the North is thriving, because Belfast exports much linen, and Derry sends off innumerable boxes of eggs and cargoes of corn. How much of the linen do you who weave it get to wear? How much of the corn do you who sow and reap it get to eat? Just think of this, labourers and artizans of Ulster Ireland last year produced twice as much as would feed all her inhabitants, not with Indian meal, but with good Irish wheat, oats and beef. And think of this there is flax enough grown and linen cloth enough woven, and wool enough shorn in Ireland to muffle up every Irishman comfortably, close buttoned to the chin. Where does it go? Who eats and who wears what you make? Who has a better right to it than you?

Ah! perhaps it is the Pope of Rome who swindles you in this fashion it is the Man of Sin, the Seven Sacraments, the Maynooth Grant and the Mystery of Iniquity! Why, then, in that case you also, tradesmen and labouring men of Ulster, ought really to lose no time in holding a meeting to maintain the Protestant succession and denounce any further concessions to Jezebel.

It is, indeed, a mystery of iniquity that commits this cunning robbery upon you it is "our glorious constitution in Church and State " that does it one of the blackest mysteries of iniquity that ever afflicted men or outraged heaven. It is this conspiracy of " gentry " and "capitalists," "doing what they like with their own," fearing not God, neither regarding Man, that have established such free trade in human