Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/19

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and life—can take the pick and choice of them—use them up and fling them on a dunghill to die when they are useless.

Our great capitalists never think of manufacturing articles for their own countrymen in the home market—they must compete with foreign nations in foreign markets; and as all nations are less heavily taxed than these two unfortunate islands, the only way in which capitalists can meet the foreign manufacturer is by reducing and pinching, and continually pinching and reducing the wages of their own workmen. They take it all out of your bones.

Thus it comes to pass that both in the matter of food and manufactures you can supply foreign countries, and cannot keep yourselves and your children in food and clothing.

Now it is not the repeal of the Catholic Emancipation Act, nor yet the repeal of the Union Act by itself that will cure all this. Nothing will cure it save the total overthrow of the aristocratic system of government and the establishment of the People's inalienable Sovereignty.

We must have Ireland, not for certain peers and nominees of peers in College Green, but Ireland for the Irish. I scorn and spit upon "Repeal of the Union." The "Queen, Lords and Commons of Ireland" will never be seen in bodily form upon this earth. "The golden link of the Crown" is as great a humbug as the great Peace principle of the "mighty Leader of the Irish People."

Oh! my countrymen, I would that I could raise your thoughts to the height of this great