Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/21

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IN my letter to you last week I set before you two or three subjects which it is worth your while to reflect upon. First, seeing that Ireland produces, one year with another, double as much as would feed and clothe all her people, what becomes of it? Who eats it and wears it, and what (besides our glorious Constitution in Church and State) do you, who create all this wealth, get in exchange for it? Second, seeing that your tenant-right in the North is in great danger, and that you urgently want securities and guarantees to prevent its being taken from you altogether, who is it that threatens it? Who wants your tenant-right from you? Against whom do you need the securities and guarantees ' Is it against farmers of Leinster and Munster? Or the Pope of Rome 1 Or who else? Third, seeing that all your grand masters and deputy-grands, and grand chaplains, not to speak of their agents, drivers, stewards, sub-agents, bailiffs, and bog bailiffs, are so anxious to get your names to "addresses of loyalty" and declarations of attachment to the "Protestant Constitution in Church and State" what is the reason of such anxiety just now? What is it all about? And, above all, what interest have you in it?

If you have not begun to think seriously of these questions you had better begin to do so