Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/33

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—depend upon it, though he wear a coronet on his head, he means to cheat you.

In fact religious hatred has been kept alive in Ireland longer than anywhere else in Christendom, just for the simple reason that Irish landlords and British statesmen found their own account in it, and so soon as Irish landlordism and British dominion are finally rooted out of the country it will be heard of no longer in Ireland any more than it is in France or Belgium now.

If you have still any doubt whether Lord Enniskillen means to cheat you, I only ask you to remember, first, that he has written you a long and paternal letter upon the state of the country, and has not once alluded to your tenant-right; and, second, that he belongs to that class of persons from whom alone can come any danger to your tenant-right—which is your " life and property."

As for Lord Clarendon and his friendly addresses, exhorting to "loyalty" and attachment to the institutions of the country, I need hardly tell you that he is a cheat. What institutions of the country are there to be attached to? That all who pay taxes should have a voice in the outlay of those taxes is not one of our institutions—that those who create the whole wealth of the State by their labour should get leave to live like Christians on the fruits of that labour—this is not amongst the institutions of the country. Tenant-right is not an institution of the country. No; out-door relief is our main institution at present—our Magna Charta—our Bill of Rights. A high-paid Church and a