Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/56

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it or no, to their own food, and their own country, in future.

Wherefore your petitioners, being peaceable men, anxious to save the lives of millions of their fellow-countrymen by obtaining for them the eating of their own produce, 'peaceably, legally, morally, and constitutionally,' do beseech your honourable House to repeal the aforesaid act of 'incorporation,' called an 'Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland,' in order that, without offence to your honourable House, your petitioners fellow-countrymen may be enabled to drive the armies of your honourable House, the laws, and other grievous impositions of your honourable House, the police, English accent, Manchester clothes, 'felon flag,' and all things English, off the face of their own country into the sea an event, for which the judgment of Heaven, the incompetency and the crimes of men, are daily preparing the nations of Europe.

And your petitioners will ever pray."

When Irishmen think, speak and act to usurped alien authority in the spirit of this admirable petition we shall have reality in Irish politics.

(From "Nationality," November 13, 1915).