Page:An Ulsterman for Ireland.djvu/9

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resistance to his inoffensive Home Rule Act. "The government of Ireland is a continuity." With the "Man of Sin" held at bay and "loyalty" in full play, let us see how the people of Ulster have fared during seventy years:

Ulster had in 1841 a population of 2,386,373
   „ 1851    „ 2,011,880
   „ 1861    „ 2,011,880
   „ 1871    „ 1,914,236
   „ 1881    „ 1,833,228
   „ 1891    „ 1,619,814
   „ 1901    „ 1,582,826
   „ 1911    „ 1,581,696

It will take a great deal of shouting to drown the noise of these figures. Even Sir Edward Carson, in his new and lucrative office of Truth Controller, will not be able to keep it up. "Extermination," wrote Mitchel, "is creeping northward." Mitchel, the Ulster Protestant, spoke nothing but the truth, and suffered for it. The day will come, in spite of all the machinery for controlling the truth, when Mitchel's truth will prevail among the Protestants of Ulster, and when they will sing again

Belfast, you may remember
When tyrants were in splendour.


July, 1917.
