Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/116

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tuguese, strictly prohibits all foreign communication with its American colonies; hence arisen (by the mutual connivance of the colonial governments) an extensive contraband trade, which, while it enriches individuals, diminishes the public revenue of both countries[1].

Every article of merchandise, or consumption, whether the produce of the colony, or imported, pays to the crown a tenth part of its value, previous to its being exposed for sale. These duties

  1. The English East Indiamen and Whalers, who put into Rio Janeiro for refreshments, find a ready market for their private trade in piece-goods, hardware, hosiery hats, porter, butter, and cheese; The Custom-house officers, and officers of the guard-boats, who constantly attend foreign merchant ships, conduct this trade with great ingenuity and address.
