Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/190

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this scarcity of small fish. The rocks outside the harbour's mouth are frequented by seals and sea-elephants. The shell-fish are oysters, limpits, mussels, escalops, cockles, sea-ears; and very large cray-fish are found among the rocks.

Deeming minerals, as well as limestone, coal, and clays, of the greatest consequence to the colony, particular attention was paid to searching for them; the only appearance of minerals was in large masses of iron-stone, in some specimens of which, the shape, colour, and weight seemed to authorise the conclusion of its richness.[1]. Lime-stone was

  1. From this stone, when pulverized, the natives, I suppose, procure the red earth with which they paint their faces.
