Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/84

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( 59 )

of fashion, and clokes are now only worn by the vulgar, The men who have had any intercourse with the English; adopt their customs, even to minuteness; hence, cropped heads, round hats, and half boots, have ceased to be considered a foreign costume. The women wear their waists very short, their bosoms much exposed, and their head-dresses and naked arms covered with a profusion of sparkling stones[1], which are of little value here; the ladies, however, as well as the men, seem to prefer attiring themselves a la mode d'Angleterre, when it is in their power. An English milliner who stopped here, on her way to India, performed greater metamorphoses on the external form of

  1. Topazes, aqua marinas, amethysts, and chrisolites, &c.
